Street names in cardiff property

Floral Street Names

While the recent British weather may have had other ideas, Tuesday 20th March marks the first day of Spring. After a long, hard winter, gardens across the country are beginning to bud back into life and we reflect on some of the Spring flower themed addresses. Addresses including spring flowers Read more…

0.5% Rate Rise

For the first time in more than ten years, the Bank of England have raised interest rates. But, there is no need to panic, the new rate of 0.5% still remains the second lowest rate on record. While a number of banks and building societies have already announced that they Read more…

That Friday Feeling…

It is of little surprise that more properties complete on a Friday then any other day in the week. So far in 2017, nearly half of all sales (48%) completed on a Friday. Thursdays accounted for 15% of completions with 12% occurring on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. However, the variation Read more…