An opportunity to have one of your photos published on the front page of the Spring edition 2018 of the Cardiff Property Info Newsletter which is distributed to thousands of homes and businesses in Cardiff.

What to submit;

We are looking for great photos of Cardiff, Cardiff parks or parklands, streets of Cardiff, nature in Cardiff or anything you think would look great on the front cover. Please no selfies and photos must not contain people that can be recognised. The chosen photo will be credited to the photographer on the newsletter.

Ways to submit your photos;

  1. You can submit them to the facebook page of Cardiff Property Info or H&M Properties –
  2. You can click on the chat feature and you will be provided with an email address.
  3. You can pop into our office on 7 Fidlas Road, Rhydypenau Crossroads, Cardiff, CF14 0LW

We look forward to receiving your photos!!

Any questions please contact us and we are more than happy to help.





Categories: Uncategorized

Dan Hopkins

Working with property professionals for over 20 years providing advice and services to all property investors.


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