Looking to invest in South Wales but dont know where to start?
Here’s a quick comparison between Cardiff and Newport property with key rental information.
Cardiff Lettings
Over the last 12 months, the average rent achieved for properties let in Cardiff was £754 per month.
59% of properties let in the past 12 months were flats, achieving an average rental value of £690 per month. Houses achieved an average rent of £850 per month.
Newport Lettings
Over the last 12 months, the average rent achieved for properties let in Newport was £645 per month.
40% of properties let in the past 12 months were flats, achieving an average rental value of £586 per month. Houses achieved an average rent of £719 per month.
Profile of properties let
Cardiff Housing Stock
- 60.5% of residents within Cardiff own their own homes while 22.2% live in privately rented accommodation.
- In 2011 there were 148,218 dwellings within Cardiff. 27.2% of properties are flats while houses make up 72.8% of housing stock.
- In the last five years there have been 3021 new private homes built across the Local/Unitary Authority of Cardiff, an average of 604.2 per year.
Newport Housing Stock
- 65.4% of residents within Newport own their own homes while 14.3% live in privately rented accommodation.
- In 2011 there were 62,522 dwellings within Newport. 17.8% of properties are flats while houses make up 82.2% of housing stock.
- In the last five years there have been 2741 new private homes built across the Local/Unitary Authority of Newport, an average of 548.2 per year.
Average Prices Cardiff
- Over the last 12 full months there have been 3,296 sales in Cardiff. This is a –43% change on the previous 12 month period. The average sales price was £220,572.
- 21% of sales in the past 12 months were flats, achieving an average sales price of £148,288 . Houses achieved an average price of £244,934. The total value of sales was £717,181,521.
- The highest value recorded by the Land Registry over the past 12 months was £670,000 for a flat and £1,500,000 for a house.
Average Prices Newport
- Over the last 12 full months there have been 1,545 sales in Newport. This is a –42% change on the previous 12 month period. The average sales price was £179,266.
- 8% of sales in the past 12 months were flats, achieving an average sales price of £98,440 . Houses achieved an average price of £189,067. The total value of sales was £273,077,053.
- The highest value recorded by the Land Registry over the past 12 months was £270,000 for a flat and £1,175,000 for a house.
So, hopefully by now your mouth is watering wanting to know more. Where would I suggest you put your money? Well, get in touch and let’s chat. With many more local insights that can help maximise your investments we can see what approach is best.
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